Bubal tribe

The Bubal tribe.

Located between Kenya and Somalia in Africa, the Bubal tribe stands out for their unique characteristics, which have gained them worldwide fame and become a tourist attraction. Follow us in this article: The Bubal tribe and their giant testicles. You will surely be surprised.

Their dietary customs are unique, as they have been known to consume vaginal fluids from their cows since childhood, especially during menstruation, believing it makes them stronger, braver, and improves their nutrition. This is particularly important during periods of drought when food is scarce. Additionally, they believe this practice extends the cows’ milk production.

Giant testicles.

The most striking feature of this tribe is the size of their testicles. It is claimed that they can measure between 70-80 cm and weigh between 9-12 kg. This does not hinder their sexual relations or any other functions, except those related to the size and weight.

Bubal tribe 2
Bubal tribe 3

Hormonal imbalance?

The increase in testicle size has always been attributed to the exposure to estrogen contained in vaginal secretions due to their unique diet since childhood. However, let’s take a closer look at the matter.

During cow menstruation, estrogen concentrations, which are the main female hormone, rise significantly. Their vaginal fluids are rich in estrogen.

Excess estrogen in men would produce clinical manifestations characterized by an increase in female sexual characteristics such as:

  • Increase in breast size, known as gynecomastia.
  • Increase in fatty tissue in hips and other body areas, resembling a female silhouette.
  • Decreased libido or sexual desire.
  • Sexual impotence.
  • Decreased sperm count leading to infertility.
  • Fatigue and depression.
  • And above all, TESTICULAR ATROPHY.

This makes it unlikely that hyperestrogenism is the cause of their giant genitals.

So what is the cause?

According to more recent studies, Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi are blamed for these issues.

These are two types of worms transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex, Anopheles, and Aedes, causing a disease known as lymphatic filariasis.

The tribe lives in an area with a high mosquito population, and to minimize their annoyance, they bathe with urine and cow dung with the aim of repelling them with ammonia. Although sometimes this is not enough.

These mosquitoes become infected with microfilariae when they bite an infected person. The microfilariae mature in the mosquito and become infectious larvae that enter the next person through a new bite.

The worms can live up to 8 years circulating throughout the blood, significantly affecting the lymphatic and immune systems.

This disease initially manifests with very few symptoms, but when it becomes chronic, it causes lymphedema and hydrocele.

Is there a treatment?

The treatment for lymphatic filariasis focuses on prophylaxis among at-risk groups to interrupt its spread.

While it does not provide a complete cure for those already infected, treatment limits the number of microfilariae in the blood and reduces the transmission by infected mosquitoes.

Medications such as albendazole, ivermectin, and diethylcarbamazine citrate are used for treatment.

Currently, the money collected by this tribe from tourist visits funds their treatment, which positively impacts the reduction of cases. As a result, there are fewer representatives of the Bubal tribe with giant testicles each day.

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