use 10% of our brain

The human brain, that fascinating and complex organ that distinguishes us as a species, has been the subject of numerous myths and speculations throughout history. One of the most persistent beliefs is that we only use 10% of our brain. In this article, we will explore the truth behind this claim.

Do we only use 10% of our brain?

Myths and Misunderstandings.

The idea that we only use 10% of our brain has been popularized by movies and fictional books, but it lacks scientific basis. It is important not to be swayed by these myths and understand that our brain is a highly efficient machine that constantly works to keep us functioning.

A probable origin of this belief and its dissemination has been the discovery that neurons represent approximately 10% of the brain’s mass. The rest are glial cells, which specialize in providing protection and support to neurons. They:

– Regulate the chemical and electrical balance of the brain.

– Participate in the formation and maintenance of myelin.

– Remove waste and toxins from brain tissue.

– Contribute to the immune system of the nervous system.

Other research in the early 20th century that may have reinforced the idea of this myth was the discovery that only 10% of neurons remain active at certain times.

Subsequently, with the development of new technologies, enough evidence has been found to invalidate the relationship between activated brain areas and performance. This has been proven by observing smaller areas of brain activation in people with high IQs, suggesting a more efficient use of their neural networks.

The Scientific American magazine, in its article: Do People Only Use 10 Percent of Their Brains? explains how people use 100% of their brain throughout the day, even during sleep.

The brain in action.

Contrary to popular belief, scientific studies have shown that we use the entirety of our brain at different times and for various functions. Each brain region has a specific function and works together to perform complex tasks such as thinking, memory, movement, and emotions.

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Brain plasticity.

One of the most amazing characteristics of the human brain is its plasticity, which refers to its ability to adapt and change throughout life. This plasticity allows us to learn new skills, recover from brain injuries, and adapt to different situations. If we only used 10% of our brain, we wouldn’t be able to achieve these feats.

Neuroimaging studies.

Advances in neuroimaging technology, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have allowed scientists to observe real-time brain activity. These studies have revealed that even during seemingly simple activities, such as resting or sleeping, different areas of the brain show activity. This supports the idea that we use our entire brain, even when we’re not engaged in intense cognitive tasks.

In summary

The myth that we only use 10% of our brain is just that, a myth. Scientific studies and advances in neuroimaging technology have shown that we use our brain fully at different times and for various functions. Our brain is an incredibly complex and efficient organ that allows us to think, learn, remember, and experience emotions. So when you hear about this myth, remember that it’s just that, a myth without scientific foundation.

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